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為了幫助人們了解猶太教和猶太人生活,拉比·本傑明·戈蘭(Rabbi Benjamin Golan)在酋長拉比·埃利雅胡·本·海姆(Riyab Eliyahu Ben Haim)的監督下,為皇后拉比創建了。隨著拉比·戈蘭(Rabbi Golan)的新書《歡迎來到猶太教》的發行,皇后區拉比教廷的目標是幫助任何有興趣的人進一步了解猶太教和東正教猶太教。
This book, 'Welcome to Judaism', by Rabbi Golan, is full of valuable details with an in-depth look into Judaism and the laws. The book is well laid out and can be easily read with an in-depth understanding at an easy pace for the reader from any background and any age. For anyone hungry for knowledge of Judaism from the foundation or just wanting to refresh one's understanding, this is the book to go with!
- Sarah Spears
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